Over 50 letters from students and community members who have direct experience with Professor Denis Rancourt’s pedagogical initiatives have been sent to President Allan Rock in protest of the University’s plan to dismiss Rancourt.
The first 30 letters are posted in two blocks as follows.
The first 16 letters are posted HERE (click “PDF” in the left column).
The first 16 letters are posted HERE (click “PDF” in the left column).
These are from:
*E. Nicholas Aplin, P. Eng. (retired teacher)
*Aileen Duncan, high school student and co-host of CHUO 89.1 FM radio show
*James Douglas, community member
*Eve Wilensky, student, UBC
*Jesse Baltutis, MSc, London School of Economics
*Michel Pilloud, community member
*Stephanie Thomas, student, UofO
*Carolyn Wall, student, UofO
*Sylvain Rigaud, exchange student (PhD)
*G Dyke, student, UofO
*Joe Girard, community member
*Emily Coffey, UofO alumnus, MSc candidate, Amsterdam
*Isabelle Soucy, student, UofO
*Robert Courcy, community member
*Graeme O’Farrell, community member
*Sylvia Smith, community member, teacher
The next letters (17 to 30) are posted HERE (click “PDF” in the left column).
These are from:
*David Mandelzys, OISE candidate, UofT
*Wayne Sawtell, student, UofO
*Amy Hammet, student, UofO
*Eric Nathaniel Fisk, community member
*Martha Ruben, MD, PhD
*Gavin D, community member
*I. Golub, PhD
*Julie Comber, PhD candidate, UofO, Faculty of Education
*Jane Gibson, UofO alumnus (MA, Criminology)
*James Douglas, community member (response to Rock answer)
*Elizabeth Holloway, student, UofO
*Anne Davison, UofO alumnus
*Marjorie Robertson, community member
*Campbell D. Robertson, community member
*Danny Cawley, UofO alumnus
Denis Rancourt’s letter to the Board of Governors is posted HERE (click “PDF” in the left column).
Background and links are available HERE.
[Photo credit: Pawel Dwulit 2006]